Monday, November 29, 2010

The Big Day is Almost Here!

Hi Everyone!

We are completely ready for our little girl to arrive! All the baby gear is put together, our tree is up, and the Christmas cards are ready to go in the mail.  This weekend was busy, but very relaxing! Of course, I was out and about shopping at 2:30am the day after Thanksgiving! I figured I can't sleep anymore these days so I might as well shop. Josh and I bought our camcorder that day, which we are really excited about. We can't wait to take videos of little Miss Elsa.  This weekend was a cookie baking extravaganza! Mom, Lisa, and I had fun on Saturday night baking Christmas cookies and on Sunday Meg and I made our cutouts like we do every year.  I wanted to make sure I had plenty before Elsa comes. Josh and I LOVE Christmas cookies, who doesn't right? Well our stuff is packed for the hospital and we are ready for the big day! The last time we were at the doctor (Nov. 24th) I was two cm dilated and Elsa was eight pounds seven ounces! They are a little concerned about her weight because I guess shes quiet big for having two weeks left to go. They might induce me, but we are not positive yet. We have another appointment this Thursday to see what kind of progress shes making. They are going to do another sonogram that day to check her weight again. I'm off from work now and trying to relax before our bundle of joy gets here! Life will be very different once she does get here, but we can't wait to be a family! We will feel complete once she arrives :)  Talk to everyone soon!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wow It's October!!!

Hello everyone! I can't believe how fast the time is going by. My goal was to update this blog every couple weeks and that obviously didn't happen, so I apologize. This past month was very busy with going back to work and all. The school year is off to a great start though. It's amazing how different the second year of teaching is compared to the first. It's so much less stressful. I'm loving it!!! We have been super busy with projects around the house like painting, hanging racks for storage, putting together baby gear and organizing. As many of you know I have been cleaning up a storm....or should I call it nesting. I think Josh is ready for all these projects to come to an end. I'm driving him nuts with my cleaning rage lol.

Our baby shower this past week was amazing. It was everything I had always envisioned it would be! Thank you Aunt Col for doing such an amazing job with the are THE BEST! A big thank you to my parents for making it at all happen...we don't know what we would do without you!  We are so excited to use all the new stuff we received.  Thank you everyone!

THE BABY UPDATE...I'm now in my third trimester and I'm feeling great!  Elsa is about 15 inches long and weights three pounds.  She is moving around on a regular basis and is already on her own little schedule. I feel her moving and grooving about every two hours.  It is the most amazing feeling in the world! It looks like there is someone dancing in my belly these days!  We can't wait to see what she looks like. I keep having dreams that she has Josh's dark hair and my blue eyes so I guess we will just have to wait and see. We are so ready meet her! Our last sonogram is November 18th, which is when we will know if we are on track in terms of the delivery date...we will keep everyone posted.  Have a great week. We love you all :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Here it is!

Girls Day Out!
Here is the blog that you all have been waiting for! Sorry it took me so long. It was one busy year between teaching and getting my masters degree. My masters is now done and I have my life back! It is so nice to finally be able to focus on my hubby and baby-to-be!

We just got back from North Carolina last week. Our trip was wonderful and so relaxing! It was amazing to kick back and spend time with the family. We ate a lot as usual! If you have ever had Grandma Cottle and Aunt Karen's cooking you know what I'm talking about. Of course we did lots of shopping too. When Jess and I get together we are basically unstoppable! I think Josh is shopped out for the next year or so! Our trip ended with an amazing baby shower that Mom and the church ladies so kindly put together for us. We were able to purchase our new crib, dresser, and bedding from all the generous gifts! Thank you everyone!

We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our little lady Elsa Grace! Only three more months to go. I cannot believe that I am already six months along. We don't know where the time has gone. People weren't lying when they told us to enjoy every moment because it goes by so quickly!

24 Weeks

I have had an amazing pregnancy so far and am already loving mommy-hood! Elsa is now about 12 inches long and weighs almost 2 pounds. She is moving around and kicking more and more everyday! On our trip to Carolina Daddy and Aunt Jessica were able to feel her kick! Her favorite thing to do right now is keep me up at night with her karate moves. She is very active and is already letting me know when she wants to eat, which is constantly!

We are working on the nursery every chance we get. It is all painted and Josh put the new crib together a couple days ago. It is beautiful! We are waiting for the dresser to get here so we can finish up the room. As many of you know I am very indecisive and have been deciding on a theme for the room for about three months now. I know it's ridiculous, but I want it to be perfect! I have finally decided on the shabby chic look. I found bedding at Target that is gorgeous! It is the cottage chic print if you want to check it out. It is soft, elegant, and fit for a princess! I can't wait to see the room completely done!

Me, Steph & Court 
Well it's back to work for me this coming week. I don't know where the summer went! I'm eager to get back into the swing of things though. It's always exciting to start a new school year. New kiddies, new supplies, and a clean classroom! It's going to be a great year! My second year at an awesome job, a baby girl on the way, and a wonderful husband to share it all with! God is good! We are so very blessed! We love everyone and will keep you posted!