Monday, November 29, 2010

The Big Day is Almost Here!

Hi Everyone!

We are completely ready for our little girl to arrive! All the baby gear is put together, our tree is up, and the Christmas cards are ready to go in the mail.  This weekend was busy, but very relaxing! Of course, I was out and about shopping at 2:30am the day after Thanksgiving! I figured I can't sleep anymore these days so I might as well shop. Josh and I bought our camcorder that day, which we are really excited about. We can't wait to take videos of little Miss Elsa.  This weekend was a cookie baking extravaganza! Mom, Lisa, and I had fun on Saturday night baking Christmas cookies and on Sunday Meg and I made our cutouts like we do every year.  I wanted to make sure I had plenty before Elsa comes. Josh and I LOVE Christmas cookies, who doesn't right? Well our stuff is packed for the hospital and we are ready for the big day! The last time we were at the doctor (Nov. 24th) I was two cm dilated and Elsa was eight pounds seven ounces! They are a little concerned about her weight because I guess shes quiet big for having two weeks left to go. They might induce me, but we are not positive yet. We have another appointment this Thursday to see what kind of progress shes making. They are going to do another sonogram that day to check her weight again. I'm off from work now and trying to relax before our bundle of joy gets here! Life will be very different once she does get here, but we can't wait to be a family! We will feel complete once she arrives :)  Talk to everyone soon!


  1. That looks like so much fun! I remember making (or icing) Christmas cookies last year. I can't wait to see you guys!!! Only three more weeks!!!!!!!!

  2. It was fun! We can make more when you guys get here if you want. Can't wait for our two weeks together! We will update you on Thursday :) Love ya!
